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 Sideshow - Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure

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2 participants
Team GSW
Team GSW

Masculin Nombre de messages : 32648
Age : 53
Localisation : Dans un p'tit village du Doubs

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MessageSujet: Sideshow - Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure   Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EmptyMar 9 Juil 2013 - 18:45

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure

Les Clone Troopers CT-21-0408 et CT-27-5555, mieux connu sous le nom Echo et Fives, ont servi côte à côte dans la Grande Armée de la République.

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive01_zps83b176cb

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive02_zpsb93620b2

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive03_zps29413685

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive04_zpsef793bb9

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive05_zps434bfd9f

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive06_zps74375639

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive07_zps2a165665

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive08_zps8a6dec10

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive09_zps447be2e0

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EchoandFive10_zps556e349f

Inclus :
•Phase 1 helmets
•Clone Trooper Echo and Fives heads
•Fully Articulated Bodies
•Detailed 501st Legion Armor with customized 'For Hevy' design
•13 switch out hands
•Standard Trooper boots
•Trooper action boots
•DC-15A Blaster rifles with grapple dart attachments
•DC-15S Blaster carbines
•The Clone Wars figure bases

License : Star Wars
Type : Sixth Scale Figure
Taille:12.5" H (317.5mm)
Prix : 199.99
Précommande ouverte.
Livraison : Mars 2014

Source : Sideshow


Dernière édition par coyote le Mar 1 Fév 2022 - 10:39, édité 1 fois
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Old Staff
Old Staff

Masculin Nombre de messages : 26098
Age : 44
Localisation : Detention block 2551
Emploi : Je ne parlerai qu'en présence de ma Vodka

Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sideshow - Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure   Sideshow Collectible : Clone Troopers: Echo and Five Sixth Scale Figure EmptyJeu 18 Juil 2013 - 11:03

J'adore La classe 

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